Saturday, October 9, 2021

The FOMC interest rate hikes in 2018 and now

The FOMC interest rate hikes in 2018 and now:

The Federal Reserve raised interest rates four times this year (2018). Earlier this month, at the Fed’s last meeting of 2018, Chairman Jerome Powell signaled that the central bank’s board of governors would likely issue fewer rate hikes next year, but investors were not appeased and the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 352 points.

The vast majority of losses have come since October, when the stock market, which was experiencing the longest bull-run in history, took a turn for the worst. The stock market is on pace for its worst December since 1931, but it also set record single-day gains Wednesday, when the Dow jumped by more than 1,000 points.

The stock market woes come despite signs that the general economy is still doing well — with record low unemployment, strong GDP growth and relatively low inflation.

Article extract from

We see similar things in the economy in 2021 except that the unemployment numbers are higher and 10 million open jobs to fill. Also the prices are extremely hot. Core inflation is surging above 5.2%.
Prices will inflate with a growing economy as we had under the Trump policies. We can see the production index of the PMI (red line) rising since 2015. Prices following suite.

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