Tuesday, January 26, 2021

I bought FB ahead of earning reporting on Wednesday after market closes

I am quite bullish on FB. Financials are strong and the macro economy looks bullish.

Earnings coming out on Wednesday after hours, and so is AAPL. I will keep a close SL on FB due to regulatory risks. 

As much as I want to see FB and other Tech Giants losing their privileges of Bill 230, and their ability to censor, it would not be good for business. And with Beijing Biden I dont think they gonna do it now. Trying to ride Mark Zuckerberg with a tight leash. Yahoo!!

So I bought FB 16 JUL 2021 285 CALL for 29.50. That controls 100 FB shares! Stop Loss is set to 22.50. The soft target should be 3 times the SL. Here it means can FB climb to the $300 level and even break it? If it reaches 300 I will tight the SL, if it breaks I will add to the position. If it will reach 300 the position should be at a 17% profit. A hard SL is set for safety to trade out the position. We will see.

Here the Option Calculation.

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