This flag stands for freedom and sacrifice of early America to free itself from British colonialism. The foundation of a new system. No Taxation without Representation. The Betsy Ross Flag, 1776 was the flag of the 13 free colonies. The foundation of the Republican Party was a result of this. The Constitutional Republic of America. Still the greatest country in the world.
With slavery still in place until the civil war in 1863 it was the Republican Party that freed the slaves. Never forget the Democrat Party was founded to keep up slavery. All slaves were owned by Democrats at the begin of the civil war. Voting rights for all women were a result of WW1. But before that black and white women could vote as long as they owned property and were paying taxes, and being a widow or unmarried. The 15th Amendment, voting rights for all Americans of all races and origin were introduced by Republicans and the confederacy, all Democrats, opposed this heavily. Jim Crows Laws, Democrat, for the segregation of Blacks in public life is another character of the Democrat Party. This is their goal today again with some tactical differences, which are based on the poisonous "Critical Race Theory (Racism) and demand for Equity (Socialism). Dont be fooled people. The Reds are selling you drugs again as they did under Hitler, Stalin and Mao.
With defunding the police and the Democrat Party demand that police patrouling in Black and poor areas shall be reduced so that gangs can take over is the destruction of America. Crime is rising in the US. In Chicago, a Democrat infestation, alone this year there have been 1,500 people been shot. Vast majority of victims black! All officials in charge from police, court system, city hall are Blacks. They deliberately do this. Keep you suffering, increase your suffering so that next election they can tell you again and again they fight for you. Wake up pawn!
We also shall never forget that the KKK is a Democrat forefront organization and Hillary Clinton had KKK mentors and so Bill Clinton and Joke Biden. So were the Dixies.
We also shall never forget that the Democrat Party gave their Race Laws to the Nazis in 1923. These laws were later a little bit diluted and became knows as the Nurnberg Race Laws under the Nazis. The Democrat Party is pretty much the American version of the German NSDAP with a difference, they did not have a charismatic leader.
History is colorful and shall not be whitewashed and overwritten. Never. Be grateful of what opportunity is given to you. Be proud of being an active part of it and your achievements.
The fight for Liberty, Capitalism, Free Speech, against corruption and hatred, Racists Theories, communist propaganda, and infiltration is intensifying nowadays. China is Enemy #1.
And all this is what this flag stands for, for me.
We will have to stand up for what we love.
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