Wednesday, April 21, 2021

The Iron Condor of the Spider

When I was condensing my thoughts on the Qs the Spider also hit the target and I took it off.

I was still looking at it and then a few minutes later, bang! A third hit today, all good.

  • Closed SPY Iron Condor for 32% Profit
  • Closed QQQ Put for 10% Profit
  • Closed QQQ Call Spread for 34% Profit

Celebration Day. 

Since we have to diversity there is no trade today. We already put up another QQQ today.

  • We can not put our trades back to back but wait a few days. 
  • Also not everybody should be in the same vehicle. 
  • Trade Limit 10-15%. 
  • SL 15%

We close the trade at 32%, Great day!


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